International Pow Wow faz festa de abertura na Magia do Magic Kingdom (International Pow Wow opening party´s at Magic Magic Kingdom)

O Magic Kingdom do Walt Disney World foi o palco da festa de abertura do International Pow Wow 2015, em Orlando, Flórida. O tema foi `Fantasy, comes to life!` e contou com a presença do presidente da Walt Disney Travel Company e vice-presidente sênior de vendas globais da Disney Destinations, Kenneth Svendsen.
(The Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World held an opening party of the Pow Wow International 2015 (IPW 2015) in Orlando, Florida. The theme was `Fantasy, comes to life! ‘And was attended by the president of the Walt Disney Travel Company and senior vice president of global sales Disney Destinations, Kenneth Svendsen and all the guests.)
O Príncipe e o sapatinho e a Cinderela e visitante (Foto: Rogério Almeida)
Os convidados tiveram acesso gratuito a todo o parque, sem filas e sem custo nenhum e com direito a jantar nos diversos restaurantes.
(Guests have free access to the entire park, no queues and no cost and entitled to dine at the various restaurants.)
A linda sereia Ariel no Fantasyland, uma das atrações do Magic Kingdom (Foto> Rogério Almeida)
Uma beleza rever as atrações e visitar as novas no New Fantasyland, Tomorrowland e Liberty Square .
(A beautiful mermaid Ariel in Fantasyland, one of the Magic Kingdom attractions (Photo> Rogério Almeida)
It was good to review the attractions and visit the new in New Fantasyland, Tomorrowland and Liberty Square.)

O espetáculo mais bonito foi o final com os convidados usando as orelhas de Mikey iluminadas com diversas cores de acordo com as projeções no Castelo da Cinderela e a tradicional queima de fogos.
(The most important moment during the final celebration was when all guests put the Mikey ears lit with different colors according to the projections on Cinderella Castle during the traditional fireworks display.)